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jazz music 爵士音樂。


The play bach trio , which was made up of jacques loussier , pierre michelot and christian garros , interpreted bach with jazz techniques and in form . in doing so they incorporated a most important element of jazz music - improvisation . at the time it must have been very new , very Jacques loussier與pierre michelot及christian garros組成的play bach trio ,以爵士樂形式和手法去處理巴哈作品,當中包括了爵士樂重要元素即興演奏在內,在當時毫無疑問是新鮮而前衛的做法。

In 2004 , the entertainment office inaugurated a series of jazz concerts at stanley and sai kung during summer weekends . featuring a variety of jazz music , such as standard jazz , fusion , flamenco and latin , the free concerts are special treats for locals and tourists 這個于2004年夏天首度舉行的節目,特別請來幾支本地爵士樂隊班霸,假西貢及赤柱兩個消閑景點,以美妙的怨曲、佛林明哥、拉丁爵士樂為市民和旅客消暑解悶,奉送兩個清涼周末。

In 2004 , the entertainment office inaugurated a series of jazz concerts at stanley and sai kung during summer weekends . featuring a variety of jazz music , such as standard jazz , fusion , flamenco and latin , the free concerts are special treats for locals and tourists 這個于2004年夏天首度舉行的節目,特別請來幾支本地爵士樂隊班霸,假西貢及赤柱兩個消閑景點,以美妙的怨曲佛林明哥拉丁爵士樂為市民和旅客消暑解悶,奉送兩個清涼周末。

Williams made his first public comments of the offseason to the journal - news of westchester ( n . y . ) for thursday ' s editions , taking a break as he pursued one of his other great passions - - jazz music - - as a special guest performer at a suburban new york club 星期四發行的西方新聞期刊第一次公開評論,談到了他的另外一項興趣:爵士音樂,在郊區的紐約俱樂部擔任表演者。

The blues inspired early jazz musicians like louis armstrong . but unlike the blues , jazz music has more forms and is played on a greater variety of instruments 藍調音樂激發了早期的爵士音樂歌手,象路易斯。亞姆斯特壯。但,不同于藍調音樂,爵士音樂有更多的演唱形式,而且可以用各種不同的樂器演奏。

Pushing the door , you will find that milk walls , red sofas , glittered candlelight and light jazz music imply romanticism in every corner as if being immersed in a european town restaurant 推門而入,奶白墻,紅沙發,跳動燭光,悠悠爵士樂,處處隱藏著浪漫,恍若置身歐洲某個小鎮的餐館。

The exciting , swing jazz music that was popular from the 1920s to the 40s comes to life in this revue presented at the broadway music theatre 讓動感大樂團及迪士尼卡通明星為您帶來1920至40年代風靡全球的搖擺爵士樂。

Each shop is fitted with state - of - the - art audio - visual facilities and a specially dedicated room for classical & jazz music lovers 每間店鋪均裝置了最先進的影音器材,亦為古典音樂愛好者專設有古典音樂房。

Does jazz music influence you ? it seems that jazz music is a part of power which can pacify human being ' s heart in your story 您是否受到爵士樂的影響?在您的故事中,爵士樂似乎是一股撫慰人心的力量。

African - american and creole musicians in new orleans , louisiana probably developed the first true jazz music 路易斯安那州新奧爾良的非裔美國音樂家和克里奧爾人音樂家可能是爵士樂的真正創始人。

Paramount and its jazz music have come to represent in later years , the prosperity of shanghai in early 20th century 百樂門.絕響精選百樂門最有代表性的精彩曲目,內容豐富,風韻濃郁。

The tune absorbs a bit of the improvisational style of jazz music , while the harmonics are detached from any sort of rules 樂曲吸納了一點兒爵士樂即興風格,和聲亦擺脫任何規律。

Most pop music singers don ' t write their own music and lyrics as most jazz music singers do 大多數流行音樂歌手不寫自己的歌曲和歌詞,不象大多數爵士樂手那樣

He didn ' t start the club purely as a business venture - he ' s got a real interest in jazz music 他開始這個俱樂部不是純粹地做?商業,他真正的興趣是爵士樂。

I ' d plump for jazz music 我喜歡選擇爵士音樂。

I love listening to jazz music 我特別喜歡聽爵士樂。

If you switch to that radio station , you will hear jazz music 如果你轉到那個廣播電臺,你就會聽到爵士樂。

I have a great interest in jazz music 我很喜歡爵士樂。

I especially dislike jazz music 我特別不喜歡爵士音樂。